rival Definición En Español

  • 0 someone or something that is competing against another person or thing -- rival, contrincante

  • 1 sb who you compete against -- rival [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • the company’s/team’s main rival principal rival de la empresa/del equipo

  • 2 -- rival [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • rival teams/companies equipos/empresas rivales

  • 3 to be equal to -- competir

    • The new restaurant rivals many of its more famous competitors. El nuevo restaurante es rival de muchos de sus competidores más famosos.


Examples of rival

  • We are talking about an experiment in a limited area, and it could not be otherwise in a war-torn country where land is controlled by rival gangs.

  • Anyone trying to resolve conflicts between the rival groups by military means is destroying the future prospects of his own people.

  • Political ethics are lacking if we fail to acknowledge such rights for our political rivals.

  • Also, you acknowledge your rival's victory when the assessment of the actual elections is positive.
