hesitation Definición En Español

  • 0 a pause before you do something, especially because you are not sure -- vacilación, duda

  • 1 the act of hesitating -- duda [ feminine ]

    • “I can’t do it,” he answered without hesitation. “No puedo hacerlo,” contestó sin vacilación.


Examples of hesitation

  • I have no hesitations on that score.

  • These projects will be given a strong boost, circumstances will sweep away any hesitation, force us to be resolute.

  • If there is one cause to which we can and must adhere without any doubt or hesitation, this would be it.

  • This is not the time for timidity or hesitation.

  • But there is some hesitation over the political conclusion.

  • In the final vote, we chose, in spite of our hesitations, to vote in favour of the report.

  • But instead, all we are getting is confusion, hesitation and mutual mistrust, which leads to permanent instability instead of stability.

  • Only then can we ease the hesitation surrounding the transfer of sovereignty.
