gratitude Definición En Español

  • 0 a feeling of being grateful to someone who has done something good for you -- gratitud

  • 1 the feeling of being thankful -- gratitud [ feminine ]

    • to show your gratitude mostrar tu gratitud


Examples of gratitude

  • His efforts deserve our gratitude.

  • I would like to express my gratitude to them in particular.

  • Firstly, donor countries look for gratitude of some form for the fact that their national money is going to help in a particular part of the world.

  • I also owe gratitude to my family who allowed me to be in the forefront of this fight, a fight which has, in the end, produced a result.

  • We owe our neighbouring countries a great debt of gratitude.

  • The innumerable associations and institutions that have done such splendid work in this field deserve our gratitude.

  • That does not diminish our sense of gratitude towards you.

  • I should therefore like to express my respect and gratitude to him.
