shell Significado & definición

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Significado de shell en español

  • 0 the hard outer covering of some creatures -- concha, caparazón

    • a snail’s shell

  • 1 the hard outer covering of eggs, nuts, or seeds -- cáscara

  • 2 a container, usually with a pointed end, that is filled with explosives and shot from a large gun -- obús, proyectil, cartucho

  • 3 short form of she will -- forma abreviada de “she will”

  • 4 the outer covering of some soft animals -- concha [ feminine, singular ]

    • a crab/snail/oyster/clam shell una concha de cangrejo/caracol/ostra/almeja

    • a shell necklace un collar de conchas

  • 5 the hard covering of a nut or egg -- cáscara [ feminine, singular ]

    • pieces of egg shell trozos de cáscara de huevo

  • 6 the hard covering around an explosive -- proyectil [ masculine, singular ]

    • shotgun/artillery shells proyectiles para escopeta/de artillería

  • 7 to attack a place with large guns -- bombardear

    • The army shelled the city for days. El ejército bombardeó la ciudad durante días.

  • 8 to take the covering off a nut, seed, etc. -- pelar

    • Shell the pumpkin seeds first. Pela las semillas de calabaza primero.

Más definiciones de shell

Ejemplos de shell

  • These shells have been used in tens of thousands of military exercises and have exploded in the air, not just in the water.

  • Without the commitment to do this, a single airspace would be a hollow shell, with no hope of success.

  • That does not mean that we all retreat into our shells and say that the nationalised railway is the be-all and the end-all.

  • There are countries which do not have the shell of the tortoise.

  • The issue of eggs in shell is quite visible and clear.

  • Atrocities were committed by both camps, but it seems to be accepted that the pro-government forces knowingly shelled zones where they had encouraged the civilian population to take refuge.

Más ejemplos de shell

Traducciones de shell en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    外殼, (尤指堅果、蛋、某些動物的)殼, (尤指內部遭破壞、被去除或尚未建成的建築物、車輛的)框架,骨架…

  • 中文简体

    外壳, (尤指坚果、蛋、某些动物的)壳, (尤指内部遭破坏、被去除或尚未建成的建筑物、车辆的)框架,骨架…

  • Português

    concha, casca, granada…

  • 日本語

    (生き物の)殻, 甲羅(こうら), (ナッツ類や種などの)殻…

  • Français

    carapace [feminine], coquille [feminine], coquillage [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    closca, clofolla, obús…

  • العربية

    صَدَفة, صَدفة, قِشرة…

  • Čeština

    skořápka, krunýř, lastura…

Más traducciones de shell