polish Significado & definición

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Significado de polish en español

  • 0 a substance that you rub on something in order to make it shine -- abrillantador, cera, betún

  • 1 to rub something with a cloth in order to make it shine -- sacar brillo, encerar

  • 2 coming from or relating to Poland -- polaco

  • 3 to clean sth with polish to make it shine -- abrillantar

    • to polish the furniture/your shoes pulir los muebles/tus zapatos

  • 4 to perfect a skill -- perfeccionar

    • I need to polish up my Spanish before my trip to Mexico. Necesito perfeccionar mi español antes de mi viaje a Méjico.

  • 5 a substance you rub onto sth to make it clean and shiny -- abrillantador [ masculine, singular ]

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Traducciones de polish en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    擦,擦亮,磨光, 清潔, 磨光,擦亮…

  • 中文简体

    擦,擦亮,磨光, 清洁, 磨光,擦亮…

  • Português

    cera, encerar, dar brilho em…

  • 日本語

    つや出し, 光沢剤, ~のつや出しをする…

  • Türk dili

    cilâ, cilâlama, parlatma…

  • Français

    cirer, perfectionner, cire [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    cera, betum, encerar…

  • العربية

    مادّة مُلَمِّعة, يُلَمِّع, بولَندي…

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