former Significado & definición

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Significado de former en español

  • 0 happening or existing in the past but not now -- antiguo

  • 1 the first of two people, things, or groups that have just been talked about -- el primero

  • 2 used or known before -- anterior [ masculine-feminine ]

    • her former boss su antiguo jefe

    • Please list all your former names. Por favor liste todos sus nombres anteriores.

  • 3 [ singular ] the first of two things mentioned -- el primero/la primera

    • Of the two films, I prefer the former. De las dos películas, prefiero la primera.

Más definiciones de former

Ejemplos de former

  • This same problem concerns former landfill sites that are later used for housing.

  • To prevent any misunderstanding, therefore, they were not ruled inadmissible simply because they referred by name to a former official.

  • There may be perfectly legitimate reasons for these disparities, relating to the special features of a country, its culture or its links with former colonies.

  • More than 50 000 former combatants have been disarmed, and over 95% of the heavy weaponry has been cantoned.

  • A former liberator of the country, he is now its torturer.

  • We should be careful when using that kind of language to former colonies.

  • These legal proceedings against a former head of government are classical preventive human rights policy.

  • All this former freedom fighter's political actions now have just one goal: how to stay in power at any cost.

Más ejemplos de former

Traducciones de former en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    較早的,早先的, 以前的, 舊時的…

  • 中文简体

    较早的,早先的, 以前的, 旧时的…

  • Português

    anterior, prévio…

  • 日本語


  • Türk dili

    önceki, geçmiş, sabık…

  • Français

    ancien/-ienne, ancien…

  • Catalan


  • العربية


Más traducciones de former