testate Definition In English

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Examples of testate

  • Slayer statutes provide a right of civil action to a victims successors for the purpose of directing the victims testate/intestate property away from the slayer.

  • Diatoms build a frustule from silica extracted from the surrounding water; radiolarians, foraminiferans, testate amoebae and silicoflagellates also produce a skeleton from minerals, called test in some groups.

  • Arcellinida species produce shells or tests from mineral particles or biogeonic elements (e.g. diatom frustules) and are thus commonly referred to as testate amoebae or shelled amoebae.

  • If there is a valid will which sets out the wishes of the testator, the estate is administered in terms of the law of testate succession.

  • Testate amoebae (or thecamoebians) is a polyphyletic group of ameboid protists characterized by the presence of a test.

  • Testate succession is governed by the general premise that the assets of the deceased are distributed in accordance with the provisions of the will.

  • Where the deceased dies leaving a valid will, the rules of testate succession apply.

  • Testate amoebae taxa are differentiated by their test characteristics and the type of pseudopodia (lobose, recticulose, or filose).

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