sulphur dioxide Definition In English

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Examples of sulphur dioxide

  • The trade intensity variable is negative for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and biological oxygen demand (although it is not significant for nitrogen oxides) whilst it is positive for carbon dioxide.

  • The positive estimate throughout provides strong evidence that more human/physical-capital-intensive countries have higher sulphur dioxide concentrations, even after we control for trade and income effects.

  • The highest sulphur dioxide emissions occurred in burns that included magazine waste.

  • Estimated turning points are also broadly similar across specifications and are slightly higher than those estimated for sulphur dioxide.

  • Only for sulphur dioxide does the analysis suggest that trade patterns driven by environmental regulations and/or factor endowments are determining per capita emissions.

  • For sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides we have five-yearly observations for 26 developed and developing countries, covering the period 1975 - 1990.

  • Numerous covariates have been introduced in the past to explain sulphur dioxide concentrations in reduced-form specifications.

  • As with sulphur dioxide, the results for nitrogen oxides provide evidence of a robust relationship between per capita income and emissions.

More Examples of sulphur dioxide



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