rift valley Definition In English

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Examples of rift valley

  • With further subsidence of the rift valley floor, the sediments became more sandy.

  • The intervening dropped blocks are termed graben: these can be small or form extensive rift valley systems.

  • During this period of evaporation large evaporite deposits will be made in the rift valley.

  • The half grabens may have alternating polarities along the rift axis, dividing the rift valley into segments.

  • Raised coral reefs along the east coast and the frequent occurrences of earthquakes in the rift valley indicate that the fault block is still rising.

  • There are known kimberlite pipes within the rift valley that are considered to be diamondiferous.

  • There are some hot springs characteristics of a rift valley to the east.

  • Again, the floor of the rift valley is quite flat here providing a marked contrast to the escarpment.

More Examples of rift valley



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