personal pronoun Definition In English

  • 0 in grammar, a word such as "I", "you", and "they", that refers to a person in speech or in writing

  • 1 (in grammar) a word such as "I," "you," or "they," that refers to a person in speech or in writing

More Definitions of personal pronoun

Examples of personal pronoun

  • A personal pronoun or a null anaphor indicates to the interlocutor that the referent does not need to be retrieved explicitly.

  • In 44% of the examples, the right span started with a personal pronoun.

  • The personal pronoun system does not mark gender or case.

  • The task was to decide, as quickly and accurately as possible, the grammatical gender of the personal pronoun, ignoring the prime.

  • They often begin with a personal pronoun referring to the speaker (io) or the interlocutor (tu) or an address to the latter.

  • The same goes for personal pronoun objects, stranded prepositions and certain adverbs.

  • In the case of the personal pronoun /, the obligatory capital letter would make confusion between 77/ and ill unlikely.

  • It becomes almost improper, then, not to use the personal pronoun in a field characterized by its many different shades of grey.

More Examples of personal pronoun



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