pack ice Definition In English

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Examples of pack ice

  • The observation programme of obtaining ocean-wave spectra at different distances inside the pack ice necessitated stopping the ship every six hours and suffering the consequent heavy rolling!

  • Note that although this volume is not suitable for rigorous citation, it represents the author's authoritative collection of insights and perspectives covering the body of scientific knowledge regarding pack ice.

  • In the section on marine mammals, this implies these animals are never found in leads, polynias, or in the pack ice at all, which is misleading.

  • This meant landing and building an observatory in the least accessible and virtually unexplored part of the continent protected by an extensive zone of unpredictable pack ice.

  • This proved an exhausting journey, taking six days over the melting pack ice.

  • Many weaned crabeater seal pups were seen in both the pack ice and along the continental margin.

  • It was estimated at 90 feet high and some of it turned completely upside down and crumbled into pack ice.

  • Grant appeared to be very nervous and was clearly upset when the vessel approached the edge of the pack ice.

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