overcooked Definition In English

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Examples of overcooked

  • Jennifer received some criticism on her dish, which suffered from both overcooked and undercooked elements.

  • It is best when it is braised, however it is excellent when grilled, broiled, or pan-fried if it is marinated first and if it is not overcooked.

  • Adrien's dish was deemed a safe choice and a bit overcooked.

  • Alejandra failed to impress with her overcooked eggs like golfballs and botched hollandaise sauce, but was the third to be declared safe.

  • If a boiled egg is overcooked, a greenish ring sometimes appears around egg yolk due to the iron and sulfur compounds in the egg.

  • But the rest is the cinematic equivalent of overcooked asparagus.

  • Akuri is cooked till just about runny and the eggs are never overcooked.

  • Hae-yung realised that the water was getting overcooked and went to fetch the basin, and took a cloth to carry it away from the stove.

More Examples of overcooked



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