officialdom Definition In English

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Examples of officialdom

  • Officialdom sometimes gets away with things rather too easily.

  • They are in many ways without any rights; there is a real sense of helplessness when faced with officialdom and official policy.

  • In the world today accumulations of power, whether commercial power or the power of officialdom, are increasing.

  • The truth is that manufacturing industry probably suffers more from regulation, not by desire of officialdom or governments, but by dint of history itself.

  • Bureaucracy and officialdom would lead to those instruments being totally unused for one simple and intuitive reason.

  • He was unlucky in climbing the ladder of officialdom on the one hand but on the other he could afford to remain outside the most powerful enterprise of all.

  • Officialdom was obliged and supposed to be virtuous, to set an example to inferiors, but to be above the laws for ordinary subjects.

  • What was the social impact of the spread of print, particularly as texts were disseminated to levels of the population outside the ranks of officialdom and the highest scholar-elite?

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