nibble Definition In English

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Examples of nibble

  • It takes only a tiny midge nibble at the edge of the current farming crisis.

  • I know that if one allows nibbling into the green belt one may slightly reduce the amenities of these places for those living there already.

  • I consider that it is only nibbling at the problem of the highways throughout the country.

  • They have simply nibbled at the fringes of the problem instead of tackling it head on.

  • At least they nibble away at the monstrous international monopoly which airlines have managed to establish.

  • The stalemate is occurring in the centre and the nibbling is taking place on the flanks.

  • Competitive markets abolish themselves, which is perhaps why the government stuffs the private sector's mouth with gold - to keep it nibbling around the edges and providing 'competition' for electives.

  • However, slowly growing rural populations are likely to nibble away at any land that has the potential for crop production, which gives higher returns per hectare.

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