nett Definition In English

  • 0 →  net adjective

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Examples of nett

  • In 1946, for instance, the nett dollar remittances were at the rate of about 70 million dollars.

  • The nett effect is that it includes practically every able-bodied man who normally seeks his livelihood in a wage-earning occupation.

  • The nett revenue of the pool reveals that in 1941£45 there was a surplus of approximately £412 million.

  • Loss of an important part would cause an overall nett loss in the world population of species affected.

  • The average nett cost per place of new primary schools was £158 in 1950, £143· 4 in 1955 and £154· 6 in 1960.

  • No figures of nett revenues have been made public but there seems no reason to doubt that the railway is earning substantial profits.

  • Valuation here is being made on the nett annual receipts of the railway companies.

  • What will be the nett result of these local expenditures?

More Examples of nett



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