missionary zeal Definition In English

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Examples of missionary zeal

  • The exchange has also worked with a missionary zeal to educate investors about the opportunities in the market, the precautions they should take and their rights and obligations.

  • His appointment was hailed as a welcome spark to kindle the fire of missionary zeal in the hearts of the clergy and laity in his diocese.

  • The combination of his thorough understanding, unbridled enthusiasm, and missionary zeal made for instant success among both professional and amateur astronomers.

  • Lukewarm clergy were tolerated while clergy with a missionary zeal could be deregistered.

  • Some were intended for high-class, fashionable visitors and residents; others were founded with missionary zeal to bring some hope of redemption to working-class areas.

  • To perpetuate the remembrance of such an example of self-denial and missionary zeal, this humble memorial is set up.

  • This he did in the manner of his private business affairs, underpinned by a patriotic and missionary zeal (commercially, these relations were a losing business).

  • Beside that you must have some personal care and interest, some charitable effort, some missionary zeal, and there is plenty of room for both of these.

More Examples of missionary zeal



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