market value Definition In English

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Examples of market value

  • But the greater the world's overall abatement effort, the lower will be the market value of quota.

  • Another problem concerns the situation where the original purchase price was below the market value.

  • The reason it does not, however, reflects the market value of insurance against very low equity returns, even if they are uncommon.

  • Market value becomes the relevant figure, so the $5 million increase in asset values is not subject to five-year averaging.

  • In addition, the value of the bounding options measures the market value of the maximum exposure of the exchange.

  • The market value of the guarantee is a natural economic metric.

  • Second, the large corporations initiated new mass production techniques that destroyed the market value of the craft skills upon which the union shop strategy depended.

  • The shadow market value of the 100 million liability from the earlier example will be 81.95 million.

More Examples of market value



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