Examples of heartburn

  • If so, there will be a great deal of heartburning amongst local authority employees.

  • Information on the incidence of individual conditions, such as heartburn, is not collected centrally.

  • It is difficult to understand why rates have always caused so much concern and so much more heartburn than income tax, for example.

  • There has been considerable heartburn-lug created, and that matter of security has not quite been maintained at perfection.

  • It should make it possible to reduce the number of exemptions and deferments, on which there is a good deal of heartburning to-day.

  • When stomach nerves get upset they pump in painful acid, cause heartburn, indigestion, nausea.

  • That is a step which at all events will do away with a certain amount of the heartburning that exists with regard to these cases.

  • I know the heartburning such a situation may cause to the established family.

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