flower power Definition In English

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Examples of flower power

  • They played 1960s-style flower power music.

  • Chibnall describes the flower power imagery as what seems like a desperate and misguided attempt to suggest the hipness of a genre which had largely fallen out of favour.

  • The photo was published world-wide and became a symbol of the flower power movement.

  • The psychedelic designs came at a time when the hippy movement and flower power was at its height.

  • Traditional gender stereotypes have been challenged and reset in recent years dating back to the 1960s, the hippie movement and flower power.

  • Not many years ago young people were part of the "flower power" generation who thought that they could squat, or whatever and the world would take care of them.

  • They talked about flower power.

  • My last word about 1968 is that it was an era of flower power when no one ever resorted to physical violence.

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