fibular Definition In English

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Examples of fibular

  • The most common cause is habitual leg crossing that compresses the common fibular nerve as it crosses around the head of fibula.

  • The direct arm attaches to the posterior and lateral aspect of the fibular styloid.

  • The deep fibular nerve is also subject to injury resulting from lower motor neuron disease, diabetes, ischemia, and infectious or inflammatory conditions.

  • Collectively the tibial and common fibular nerve makes up the general term sciatic nerve.

  • Similarly, in the lower leg, structures near the tibia (shinbone) are tibial and structures near the fibula are fibular (or peroneal).

  • Pistorius was born with fibular hemimelia (congenital absence of the fibula) in both legs.

  • Damage to the deep fibular nerve, as is possible with traumatic injury to the lateral knee, results in foot drop.

  • However, they differ from tetanurans in that the cnemial crest is less clearly offset from the fibular condyle and the fibular crest is connected to the proximal end.

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