dynast Definition In English

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Examples of dynast

  • The term dynast is sometimes used only to refer to agnatic descendants of a realm's monarchs, and sometimes to include those who hold succession rights through cognatic royal descent.

  • However by the time of his nephew's marriage, alienation among the male dynasts in the family had become entrenched.

  • Individuals born to unmarried dynasts or to former dynasts that married without royal permission, and their descendants, are excluded from the throne.

  • Those dynasts who contracted undesirable marriages often did so morganatically.

  • Female descendants were eligible to inherit the throne in the event there were no eligible surviving male dynasts born in the male line.

  • That act angered yet more of those already rebellious other dynasts and groups in monarchist circles.

  • In contemporary sources he is only named king of the former, but his sons and later descendants appear as dynasts of the latter.

  • A dynast who had passed his toddler years was regarded suitable and old enough.

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