special school Meaning & Definition

  • En [ ˈspeʃ.əl ˌskuːl]
  • Us [ ˈspeʃ.əl ˌskuːl]

Meaning of special school In English

More Definitions of special school

Examples of special school

  • An overwhelming majority of adults (fifty-six) and parents of twenty-four boys thought a special school was a good idea.

  • Her depression resolved after a year, and she was entered into a special school for children with emotional disturbance.

  • It is likely that their poor readers were more impaired than ours, as they were students in a special school for individuals identified as learning-disabled.

  • This article is an account of work in a special school as part of a festival 1 of popular music.

  • Two parents, who were in favour of the idea of a special school, changed their minds when they thought about their own child's future and switched to a 'no' answer.

  • One has gone to a special school within the county and is doing extremely well.

  • All deaf children are at the moment educated in secondary schools there—there is no special school catering for them.

  • It may be that if we have a very backward child we send him to some special school for backward children.

More Examples of special school



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