Harding's work includes comprehensive references to military reports, packing lists, shipwrecks, inventories, expenditure ledgers and accounts receivable.
The deficits were due, in the main, to incorrect budgeting for interest receivable and interest payable.
However, the total royalties receivable from licensed opencast sites and deep mines amounted to £14 million in 1991–92.
Those highly paid specialists spend all day doing spot and forward currency transactions, hedging their purchases and receivables, buying and writing options and organising swaps.
The equalisation grant which is estimated to be receivable by the county council would be approximately half a million pounds.
The allowance is reduced by the amount of any tax-free disability payment receivable on account of the blindness.
The tax allowance for a single person under 65 exceeds the standard widow's pension receivable in 1976–77 by £4.
Over the same period rebates represented 6 per cent, of the total rent receivable.