0 to judge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of something:
Exams are not the only means of assessing a student's ability.
It's too early to assess the long-term consequences of the two countries' union.
[ + question word ] We need to assess whether the project is worth doing.
1 to decide the quality or importance of something:
2 to charge someone an amount of money as a special payment:
3 to make a decision about a person or situation after considering all the information:
The consultant was hired to assess the impact of the buyout on consumers.
assess that/whether A lender must be able to assess that the borrower is able to pay back the loan.
The appraisal system is designed to help you assess your strengths and weaknesses.
assess sb on sth You will be assessed on your ability to take decisions quickly.
5 to decide how much tax someone must pay on something:
assess sb/sth for sth Currently, 38 states require counties to assess properties for taxation.
If you are self-employed, you will be required to submit a tax declaration so that you can be assessed for income tax.
assess sb/sth on sth You will be assessed on all your income, including any interest you have earned.
Under the tutelage of Professor Roberts, the 900 delegates assessed and discussed the social market economy.
We expect the new scheme for assessing claims to come into operation early next year.
Authorities are assessing damage caused by last night's stormy weather.
To assess the accuracy of these measures, two sets of experiments were planned.
Involving consumers in assessing service quality : benefits of using a qualitative approach.
The present study aimed to assess, in a community sample, actions taken to cope with depression at different levels of psychological distress.
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