Betydning af wicket På dansk

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wicket Definition og betydning

  • 0 a hoop through which the balls are driven in the game of croquet or at which the ball is bowled in cricket. -- bue; gærde

  • 1 the ground between two sets of these rods -- arealet mellem to gærder

    • The wicket has dried out well.

  • 2 the ending of a batsman’s period of batting -- gærde

    • They scored fifty runs for (the loss of) one wicket.


Daglig sætning

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Vi kan færdiggøre det trin for trin, uanset hvor lang vejen er, og den kan ikke færdiggøres, uanset hvor kort vejen er, hvis du ikke engang markerer dit fodaftryk.

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