west Definition På dansk

  • 0 the direction in which the sun sets or any part of the earth lying in that direction -- vest; vest-; vestlig del af

    • Heavy showers are forecast for the west of Britain.

    • The wind is blowing from the west

    • They travelled towards the west

  • 1 (often with capital -- vest

  • 2 in the west -- vest-

  • 3 from the direction of the west -- vestlig; vesten-

  • 4 towards the west -- mod vest

    • The cliffs face west.


Examples of west

  • As one moves west, however, the natural ground surface decreases in elevation due to natural drainage patterns.

  • Adjacent to active border faults to the east and west, sheet- and debris flow-dominated alluvial boulder conglomerates accumulated.

  • This local rotation causes water columns to the east and west to move southward and northward, respectively.

  • Despite this, historians continue to attribute the emergence of new forms of governance to a clash of cultures between east and west.

  • Rivers meander across this lowland from the west to the east.

  • Four additional concentrations are lined up in a row along the west side of the platform.

  • The severity of famine gradually increased in the east which slowly proceeded from west through the decades.

  • This work is largely unfamiliar in the west.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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