viscount Definition På dansk

  • 0 a nobleman next in rank below an earl -- (engelsk adelstitel)

    • Viscount Linley.


Examples of viscount

  • Viscount will be well aware, quite a number of important commodities have been removed from the bulk purchase arrangements.

  • If you get a life baron voting and turning up every time, being there regularly, the least we can do is to make him a viscount.

  • Viscount also speaks of instructors' licences, and adumbrates a provision for interim licences for persons learning to drive.

  • Viscount has not mentioned, no doubt because he regards it as a separate point.

  • Then there are 270 viscounts and barons, who own 680 separate estates, comprising 3,780,000 acres.

  • For example, they might discriminate against viscounts or dukes and make alternative arrangements for mere barons.

  • We are told there may be a new lady viscount.

  • The 110 viscounts could pay £500 each, which would produce £55,000.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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