tread Definition På dansk

  • 0 to place one’s feet on -- træde på

  • 1 to walk on, along, over etc -- gå

    • He trod the streets looking for a job.

  • 2 to crush by putting one’s feet on -- trampe på

    • We watched them treading the grapes.

  • 3 a way of walking or putting one’s feet -- gang

  • 4 the grooved and patterned surface of a tyre/tire -- slidbane

    • The tread has been worn away.

  • 5 the horizontal part of a step or stair on which the foot is placed. -- trappetrin


Examples of tread

  • It must be stressed that there are a lot of unknowns in this crude analysis of a flight made with rebated treads.

  • The load is transmitted from tread to tread by the steel collar threaded on to the baluster.

  • The treads are made of precast concrete in a replica of the finely tapered section used in nineteenth-century staircases, and are built in 4v2 inches.

  • They put their faith in the rebates and cut the treads down to the elegant triangular section that became the standard for the nineteenth century.

  • The treads are separate and rebated, but without any additional stonework across the window.

  • He hath sent from heaven and delivered me: he hath made them a reproach that trod upon me.

  • Other titular distinctions that might arise in the decision as to who may tread were of less importance.

  • But of course one must tread very carefully here.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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