swede Definition På dansk

  • 0 a large round yellow vegetable that grows under the ground; rutabaga American -- kålroe; kålrabi


Examples of swede

  • The vegetable may be known as a turnip in the south but it becomes known as a swede in the north.

  • The purchase of these swedes was a measure of insurance against a shortage of potatoes.

  • Only for chlorfenvinphos has there been strong lobbying to retain its use on swedes and turnips.

  • All our kale, turnips and swedes were being attacked.

  • The quantity of swedes purchased was 15,019 tons.

  • The turnip or swede or mangel-wurzel has unfolded, has now appeared on the scene.

  • I could not tell an organically-grown swede from a non-organically grown swede if they were dished up on my plate, but that is another matter.

  • It was necessary to store some swedes where they would be readily accessible.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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