suddenly Definition På dansk

  • 0 -- pludseligt

    • Suddenly she realized that the stranger had a gun.

    • He suddenly woke up


Examples of suddenly

  • The hunters had suddenly become the hunted and soon the vanquished.

  • This was important for those women whose husbands did not die suddenly and where they did not die at home.

  • One of our two patients who died suddenly underwent 48 hours of ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring.

  • This upswing in contraceptive usage was not merely the result of previously unsatisfied demand being suddenly met by the establishment of family planning clinics.

  • These transpositions are efficient but not always elegant: the ear receives a jolt when what was previously a rising second suddenly becomes a descending seventh.

  • The bar suddenly yields at the points where the weights rest while only its extremities remain immobile.

  • This accessory atrioventricular connection extending across the atrioventricular node was found in an infant dying suddenly and unexpectedly.

  • The first committees to be elected had only six months to learn about governance before the safe zone suddenly disintegrated.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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