slate Definition På dansk

  • 0 (a piece of) a type of easily split rock of a dull blue-grey/-gray colour/color, used for roofing etc -- skifer; skifer-

  • 1 a small writing-board made of this, used by schoolchildren. -- tavle

  • 2 to say harsh things to or about -- nedsable

    • The new play was slated by the critics.


Examples of slate

  • There is no change in the price of slates at all.

  • Are slates still as difficult to obtain, and are they still as expensive to quarry?

  • There is a difficulty with regard to the supply of slates, but my regional officers will assist local authorities in this matter.

  • I know of several repairers in my own area who have spent a lot of time trying to get these slates, with no result.

  • We have plenty of bricks on hand, timber, cement, and so on, for the first 100,000 houses, with a fair supply of slates.

  • Are we going to build of bricks and slates, or are we going to use concrete, or some new form of construction?

  • The materials in particularly short supply are timber, steel and cast iron, lead, certain types of electrical components, salt glazed pipes, and slates.

  • To-day the slates have to be delivered in a hurry, for the purpose of some local authority's housing scheme, and they are railed forthwith.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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