shoulder Definition På dansk

  • 0 the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm -- skulder

    • He was carrying the child on his shoulders.

  • 1 anything that resembles a shoulder -- skulder

    • the shoulder of the hill.

  • 2 the part of a garment that covers the shoulder -- skulder

    • the shoulder of a coat.

  • 3 the upper part of the foreleg of an animal -- bov

    • a shoulder of lamb.

  • 4 to lift on to the shoulder -- tage over skulderen

    • He shouldered his pack and set off on his walk.

  • 5 to bear the full weight of -- bære; tage på sine skuldre

    • He must shoulder his responsibilities.


Examples of shoulder

  • This means the shoulder angle sensory information contains a negligible amount of motion acceleration compared to gravity acceleration.

  • On measures of shoulder muscle strength, there was no effect of lighting in subjects exposed to incandescent or fluorescent sources.

  • Finally, the forces on actuators in some typical motions for neck and shoulder are plotted.

  • The range of motion of the inner shoulder joint is about one third of those of the outer shoulder joint.

  • An objective definition of shoulder dystocia: prolonged head to body delivery intervals and/or the use of ancillary obstetric maneuvres.

  • At the outset, all the musical genres and all the individuals rubbed shoulders with one another without inhibition.

  • It is at this point that the shoulders usually come to lie in an oblique orientation relative to the maternal pelvis.

  • Her growing maturity is natural and inevitable, given the responsibilities she has no alternative but to shoulder.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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