reign Definition På dansk

  • 0 the time during which a king or queen rules -- regeringstid

    • in the reign of Queen Victoria.

  • 1 to rule, as a king or queen -- regere

    • The king reigned (over his people) for forty years.

  • 2 to be present or exist -- herske

    • Silence reigned at last.


Examples of reign

  • The tutor's aim is to direct his pupil toward the self-sufficiency that reigned among the first humans.

  • In the world of social goods, therefore, justice reigns when distributive spheres are autonomously conceived.

  • In an age when the experimental approach reigns supreme, the importance of collecting children's spontaneous language data can be overlooked.

  • More particularly, the damage has been the greatest in destroying the basis for trust in social relations, so cynicism now reigns.

  • The reigning tonal gesture thus creates an inextricable, vicious cycle, a perfect foil for the hollow, elusive release which taunts the junkie.

  • The city seating the may reigned as a religious and political center.

  • In this target article, the authors take issue with the reigning "individualistic" approach in theories of children's development of social understanding.

  • As for many policies in the first republic, presidential influence reigned supreme.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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