reciprocal Definition På dansk

  • 0 (of an arrangement or relationship) involving two or more people or groups that help or do the same things for each other -- gensidig, reciprok

    • The two women had a reciprocal arrangement by which they would look after each other’s child while the other was working.


Examples of reciprocal

  • To this end, we describe three descriptive models of fairness and their explanantions for fair behavior: inequity aversion, priority awareness and reciprocal fairness.

  • Letters thus are a key par t of maintaining traditional reciprocal relationships over long distances.

  • Individual frequencies that are mixed together in order to create sonic masses follow reciprocal types of motion, including undulations, surges, swirls, drifts and dips.

  • The friars sent back covered baskets which concealed reciprocal gifts.

  • The experiments have shown that the self-organizing lasers with dynamic reciprocal loop cavity are capable of generating high-average-power beams with good quality.

  • The reciprocal interaction between receptor activation and ligand binding strongly resembles the interactions between two ligand binding sites.

  • In such a situation, there is no chance for a reciprocal gift exchange under which firms offer high wages in exchange for high effort levels.

  • Accompanying a post-infection increase in host immune cells in the lungs, there was evidence of reciprocal tegumental damage to the parasites.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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