obligation Definition På dansk

  • 0 a promise or duty -- forpligtelse

    • You are under no obligation to buy anything.


Examples of obligation

  • Even in section 5 the symbols used to describe preferences and obligations would have meanings grounded in particular domains.

  • Given that the samples were drawn exclusively from large urban areas, the level of support for filial obligations is remarkable.

  • Consequently, does society have a moral obligation to mitigate the differences in health for which we are personally responsible?

  • But how could obligation possibly follow from propositional knowledge alone?

  • In other words, national policies converge because of corresponding legal obligations defined in international or supranational law.

  • I am not arguing that all directed obligations are obligations of joint commitment.

  • While some felt strongly that it is an obligation, others referred to the difficulties the responsibility created.

  • It is precisely this intimacy, not any biological relation, that creates the obligations.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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