molten Definition På dansk

  • 0 (of a solid) in a liquid state, having been melted -- smeltet


Examples of molten

  • The propagation of a molten blob of aluminium at melting point were then simulated using both codes.

  • In practice, after a set time the voltage is disconnected, the heating ceases and the molten zone solidifies.

  • The molten aluminium cools to its melting temperature as the simulation progresses and solidification is more rapid.

  • The sensible heat in the molten drop is essential if a significant proportion of the liquid can escape from the drilled hole.

  • Sequential additions (b, c) to the shallow magma chamber lead to a larger and increasingly molten body of magma.

  • The molten zone acts as an electrical conductor with normal conductivity and heat is generated throughout its volume.

  • The polymerization reaction occurred by taking advantage of the high polarity of molten urea as well as its dehydrating ability.

  • We discuss the conditions for a physically meaningful solution to exist, a solution with a nonempty molten zone.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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