mime Definition På dansk

  • 0 the art of using movement to perform the function of speech, especially in drama -- mime

    • She is studying mime.

  • 1 a play in which no words are spoken and the actions tell the story -- pantomime

    • The children performed a mime.

  • 2 an actor in such a play; someone who practises this art -- mimiker

    • Marcel Marceau was a famous mime.

  • 3 to act, eg in such a play, using movements rather than words -- mime

    • He mimed his love for her by holding his hands over his heart.


Examples of mime

  • In contrast to memes, the fecundity of mimes as replicators and their fidelity of replication are limited, more so in pre-linguistic contexts.

  • The band twice appeared live in the studio, miming to the song.

  • With three of the children having their backs turned to the action, the emcee mimes out a situation to the first child.

  • Examples include kneading bread dough, wringing out a towel, avoiding laser-beams or miming the shape of an imaginary object.

  • Consequently, he forbade mimes from appearing on stage in public.

  • In future my descendants for eighty generations shall serve thee as thy mimes in ordinary.

  • During rehearsals, the reading expanded into a production with one naked actor miming the text with several dolls.

  • They are playing a piece of miming.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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