majesty Definition På dansk

  • 0 greatness; impressive dignity -- storhed

    • the majesty of the city’s monuments.

  • 1 (with His, Your) a title used when speaking to or of a king or queen -- Deres Majestæt

    • Your Majesty.

    • Their Majesties

    • Her Majesty the Queen


Examples of majesty

  • More can and must be done to restore the awful majesty of our criminal justice system, which depends essentially upon its deterrent power.

  • Let us dispel any idea of the majesty of the law.

  • It is a misguided egalitarian perversion to debase the majesty of law in order to impose uniform conditions of production at the starting line.

  • All the awe and majesty that should be within a county court is being lost.

  • How can it be held that the majesty of the moral law is upheld in such circumstances as these?

  • He pleaded that the response 'by his majesty's special commandment' was positive and sufficient in law, being a valid cause of imprisonment and not the 'cause of the cause'.

  • It was fitting that now he was before the real person of the king undergoing his own elevation, he should invoke the idea of the majesty of the portrait image.

  • Audiences, after all, paid to watch kings and princes perform on the stage and to watch boys don the personae and - literally - the cloaks of majesty.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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