look-alike Definition På dansk

  • 0 a person who looks (exactly) like someone else; a double -- dobbeltgænger

    • the prince’s look-alike.


Examples of look-alike

  • Someone who gains from that investment by selling a look-alike product gains an unfair advantage.

  • Furthermore, consumers who purchase look-alike products are often under the mistaken impression that they are branded goods.

  • The deliberate marketing of look-alike brands takes unfair advantage of consumers and manufacturers of well-known branded products.

  • That is a perfect description of a look-alike—creating confusion.

  • I have been unable to deal with that look-alike problem.

  • However, no constituent has ever written, or been to see me, to complain about being confused by a look-alike product on a supermarket shelf.

  • I consider that another company which benefits from this investment by marketing a look-alike obtains an unfair advantage, and that represents unfair competition.

  • All that happened was that the look-alike product was given publicity.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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