just Definition På dansk

  • 0 right and fair, not favouring/favoring one more than another -- retfærdig

  • 1 reasonable; based on one’s rights -- retfærdig

  • 2 deserved -- velfortjent

  • 3 (often with as) exactly or precisely -- lige; netop

    • The house was just as I’d remembered it.

    • He was behaving just as if nothing had happened

    • This penknife is just what I needed

  • 4 (with as) equally -- lige

  • 5 very lately or recently -- lige; netop

    • He has just gone out of the house.


Examples of just

  • But since the late 1960s many sheep bones have surfaced in just such sites.

  • The motor is mounted on the end-effector just ahead of the welding torch and covers a ninety degree arc in front of the torch.

  • They have a vested interest in teaching it just as surgeons have a vested interest in operating on people.

  • Or to be told the usage one has just produced is wrong?

  • Just how much autonomy cells possess was a matter of serious debate in the decades surrounding the turn of the twentieth century.

  • Despite monitoring over 1000 potential recruits, this study has illustrated just how rarely a new individual enters the breeding population.

  • All patients were treated just after the clinical diagnosis of plague (bubonic plague with cervical, inguinal or axillary buboes) and all patients recovered subsequently.

  • Furthermore, the effectiveness of a local campaign is not just a matter of local parties being rich in resources.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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