inconsiderate Definition På dansk

  • 0 not showing thought for the feelings, rights etc of other people; thoughtless -- hensynsløs; tankeløs

    • It was inconsiderate of you to arrive without telephoning first.


Examples of inconsiderate

  • The first of these is inconsiderate, short-sighted and sets little store by competitiveness.

  • An inconsiderate piece of grit lodged itself behind one of my eyelids, to my great discomfort.

  • Speed cameras are not anti-motorist; they are anti the inconsiderate, or, worse, the reckless, driver.

  • We need severe penalties to stop inconsiderate and selfish parking in the rush hour on main roads.

  • I hope that this serious incidence of discourteous, incompetent and inconsiderate behaviour will not be repeated.

  • Inconsiderate noisy neighbours can cause extreme distress and suffering to many.

  • Motorists may be prosecuted if they drive in an inconsiderate, careless or dangerous manner.

  • It is inconsiderate actions, such as leaving plastic filth on beaches—or on the streets, as many people do in my constituency—that annoy me so intensely.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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