glut Definition På dansk

  • 0 too great a supply -- overskud

    • There has been a glut of apples this year.


Examples of glut

  • Many of the provisions about using fish for meal were brought in originally to tide over gluts.

  • The tariff is not intended to be used as a short-term instrument to remedy temporary shortages or gluts due to natural causes.

  • With this low carriage allowance distribution is restricted and you get local gluts.

  • We do not want to wait until the gluts come along, so that our average per head is raised.

  • You cannot otherwise deal with tremendous gluts of catches.

  • The costermonger is very frequently in a better position to take advantage of gluts of fruit, fish, etc.

  • We ordinary people who know so little about this, know that in the past there have been gluts which were caused by mismanagement.

  • They diminish the danger of gluts and consequent waste, and they stimulate quality production.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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