generally Definition På dansk

  • 0 usually; by most people; on the whole -- generelt

    • He generally wins.

    • He is generally disliked


Examples of generally

  • Nevertheless, local optimization remains the only choice for sensory guided robots, where the task path is generally not predictable.

  • Friction effects are generally dependent on the hardware architecture of the motors and may also change with time.

  • The torque is generally high, about 10 times bigger than its rolling resistance, and has a close relation with the robot's load.

  • We don't generally have the right to interfere in the life of another person for either their own good or for the good of another.

  • If doctors generally overestimate the risk, this could result in drugs being recommended for too many patients, and for underestimation the opposite would be true.

  • Note that condition (2) generally holds when x1 and x2 are small.

  • A defined contribution plan is generally a profit sharing, stock bonus, or money purchase plan.

  • Generally the specialist was perceived to be in charge, rather than this being a relationship of equals.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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