dustbin Definition På dansk

  • 0 a container for household rubbish: trash can American , garbage can American -- skraldespand; affaldsspand


Examples of dustbin

  • I urged him also to say something about dustbins and the collection of ashes, and so on.

  • The four adults next door must have much more in their dustbins than the retired couple.

  • I shall call them schools and dustbins and refer to them later.

  • We have used prisons as dustbins; and consequently prison officers cannot cope.

  • The type of behaviour that we need to catch is dustbins being knocked over, rubbish being pushed through people's letterboxes, and so on.

  • I am aware that there is a shortage of dustbins, due to shortage of supplies of sheet steel and blackplate in the necessary gauges.

  • Second, once free dustbins are provided it is likely that all the ratepayers will take advantage of them so that the burden will fall equally.

  • Our dustbins are no cleaner and our children are no better educated.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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