downtown Definition På dansk

  • 0 the part (of a city) containing the main centres for business and shopping -- inde i byen; central

    • downtown Manhattan.

  • 1 (also down town) in or towards this area -- ned i byen; inde i byen


Examples of downtown

  • Consolidation within the retail industry led to the closing of many of downtown's original department and specialty stores as well.

  • A 1969 redevelopment plan identified the obsolete street plan and lack of quality parking as a source of downtown's problems.

  • The two chains were frequent neighbors at many malls and in many downtowns.

  • There were many cinemas downtown, but only white people were welcome.

  • The public areas included park playgrounds, where 142 samples were taken from five playgrounds, one playground per park, located downtown.

  • Thus, it is surprising that the sampling method used in this study (i.e. sampling from downtown areas) was so crude.

  • Separation of work and home brought the need for lunch pails and downtown restaurants.

  • On a downtown street corner of the modern city there is no distance; there is only presence.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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