dodge Definition På dansk

  • 0 to avoid (something) by a sudden and/or clever movement -- undvige; undgå

  • 1 an act of dodging -- knibe uden om; undgå

    • a dodge out of the way.

  • 2 a trick -- kneb

    • You’ll never catch him – he knows every dodge there is.


Examples of dodge

  • I trust that critical part of the mandate will not be dodged or diluted; otherwise, we merely store up more trouble for the future.

  • Sequestered royalists often attempted to dodge the consequences of their delinquency by transferring the titles to their lands, a tactic used especially by widows seeking to keep their estates together.

  • If they are to avoid falling into the theoretical machinery that perpetuates such stereotypes, women are obliged constantly to dodge the conceptual apparatuses that seek to mould their language.

  • Both thereby dodge the hard hermeneutic slog of text-to-context analysis, which is necessarily grounded in painstaking readings of the entire assemblage of material, documentary and oral evidence.

  • Methods of rubbish disposal: 'shuffle and dodge'?

  • Policymakers get to make rules, but dodge responsibility for them, by piggy-backing on the decisions of others, whom they can blame when things go wrong.

  • We easily dodge an approaching car because, for millions of years, our ancestors have been dodging charging predators.

  • Molecular biology and molecular genetics might continue to dodge teleological issues were it not for their fields' remarkable recent successes.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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