delay Definition På dansk

  • 0 to put off to another time -- udskyde; udsætte

  • 1 to keep or stay back or slow down -- forsinke; forhale

  • 2 (something which causes) keeping back or slowing down -- forsinkelse; udsættelse

    • Today’s train services are subject to delays.

    • He came without delay


Examples of delay

  • Thus, in the absence of dormancy, delayed and slower rates of germination are evidence of reduced seed vigour and quality.

  • Right upper venous dratriage is delayed, and the stenous is some distance proximal to the site of anastomosis.

  • In that case, the behavioral effects of early insult are likely to be delayed and may be more extensive than first thought.

  • In both the juveniles and infants, the caudatelesioned monkeys were impaired on both spatial delayed response and alternation relative to age-matched controls.

  • In part, then, language delays may be due to problems with the early development of speech perception and phonological representations.

  • In this study, developmental delays were seen in some infants as early as 12 months (equivalent to developmental age of 9 months).

  • However, children with autism also were impaired on the delayed response task.

  • In addition, as noted earlier, delays in physical growth and behavioral development are typical in institutional settings.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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