convalescence Definition På dansk

  • 0 -- rekonvalescens; bedring

    • After a period of convalescence, she has now returned to work.


Examples of convalescence

  • Let us have a major surgical operation, a period of convalescence, and, finally, a complete cure.

  • The first step towards his convalescence is a reduction in the amount of stimulant or alcohol.

  • I am quite sure that if he feels like a long convalescence, he will have our sympathy.

  • Then there are those who require convalescence after surgery or, sometimes, cobalt treatment.

  • Officers requiring rest and care during convalescence are sent at the cost of the relief fund to a convalescent home at the seaside.

  • In health care, improvements in medical procedures (alongside a commitment to high turnover in 'bed management') have typically transferred recovery and convalescence from institutional settings to domestic ones.

  • Cutting ivy from some trees around his garden he stumbled over a rusty animal feeding trough, receiving injuries which resulted in a long period of hospitalisation and convalescence.

  • Chardin became seriously ill in 1742 and during his long convalescence he seems to have undergone a spiritual and an aesthetic crisis.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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