cobweb Definition På dansk

  • 0 a spider’s web -- spindelvæv

    • You can’t have cleaned this room – there are cobwebs in the corner.


Examples of cobweb

  • In general, significant autocorrelations are rare, and in our cobweb experiments realized market prices exhibit (almost) no linear predictable structure.

  • Simulations using different cobweb and genetic algorithm parameter values converged for both cobweb-stable-and-unstable cases.

  • Which expectations hypothesis is a good description of aggregate realized market price fluctuations in a cobweb economy?

  • The concept is illustrated for the multivariate linear model as well as for models of the cobweb type, confirming results known from the literature.

  • The harps and their music seem almost invisible and suspended in time, like a cobweb.

  • The parameter affects the stability of the cobweb model.

  • A key feature of the cobweb expectations feedback structure is that it is self-reversing in the following sense.

  • In our cobweb experiments, subjects have to predict the next period's price of a certain unspecified good.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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