canyon Definition På dansk

  • 0 a deep valley between high steep banks, usually containing a river -- kløft; slugt

    • the Grand Canyon.


Examples of canyon

  • Site types that could be particularly suitable to this survey include desert surfaces, duricrusts, pavements, ice surfaces, and large flat-bottomed canyons.

  • It's like walking through a canyon.

  • Interactions of such waves with obstacles (such as canyons) may cause local blocking events, and it is thought that the periodic quasi-linear theory can be modified to study such phenomena.

  • In the story, a young girl was collecting firewood and, against her maternal grandmother's admonitions, took a short-cut home through a rocky canyon.

  • The continuous line and open squares represents the site at the canyon floor.

  • The equatorial canyon systems are the only regions in the southern hemisphere where the stability increases.

  • Birds of prey nest on rock scarps and in canyons that are difficult to access.

  • Finally, the uppermost area of the painting contains tall, monumental building and canyon-like streets.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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